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Surprising Facts about Refurbished Office Equipment Skip to main content


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Surprising Facts about Refurbished Office Equipment

Mon Mar 15, 2021

man and printer

Penny pinching in your company is not an easy task. It takes hard work, research, and sacrifice. There are some ways that come easier than you might think -- like buying refurbished office equipment. There are countless good-as-new printers, copiers, business phone systems, furniture and other office equipment than can be purchased for far less money than buying it new.

Refurbished printers will save you money and are kind to the environment. Some of them come with warranties are thoroughly tested. Many of them aren't even used.

The money factor

The simple fact is that a refurbished printer costs much less than a brand new printer. You can pay only a fraction of what it was once worth, and it can still be in ship-shape order. When you buy multiple items for your business, the amount of dollars saved will grow.

The environment factor

Purchasing refurbished office equipment keeps items out of landfills and into a cycle of usefulness. Electronic waste is a growing issue and every time you use refurbished office equipment you are helping that problem.

The tested factor

You may think that buying a refurbished printer is a sketchy thing but in reality they undergo testing procedures before they are sold. They will have the software needed and new ink cartridges. Parts are replaced, and the chassis is cleaned. It's tested and ready to go to work. Many refurbished office equipment also come with warranties.

The like-new factor

You may think of a refurbished printer as a glorified thrift store find, but frequently the printers have never even been used. Some of them have acted as demos at stores or were part of overstock. Customers also often return printers in perfectly good condition. Returns leave it unable to be sold as a brand new item. Some are slightly damaged by can easily be restored to look and function like new.

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