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How to Choose Your New Favorite Copier Skip to main content


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How to Choose Your New Favorite Copier

Mon Mar 15, 2021

three lightbulbsYou knew this day would come, and it's finally here. It's time to say goodbye to your old printer or copier and find a replacement. It's a little sad, but also exciting: you get to find the next piece of technology with a few fun gadgets to make your life easier.

Here's how to make yourself the office hero and find the machine everyone will fall in love with.

Choose the Right Features

Bells, whistles, and fancy gadgets are more than just "nice" to have around—they could also significantly increase your company's productivity. Do some office snooping first: find out how your current printer is being used and how it could be improved upon. Then shop around and find the models that provide you with the functionality you need to get the job done.

Choose the Right Volume

Every machine is rated for a per-month volume; basically, there are a certain number of pages that machine can handle in a month's time. Make sure you know how much your company needs per month, and add a bit of a cushion to ensure heavier months don't leave you with an overworked machine. Buy a machine that slightly exceeds your current output so that your company can grow comfortably with this copier.

Choose the Right Speed

Print speed is more of a factor than you might imagine. Without fast output, your productivity goes down, and employees are left waiting at the printer in a line. Choose a copier or laser printer with at least a 20-50 pages per minute rating.

For more information about choosing the right copier, contact us today.